Responsive Website Designer | Canada WordPress Website Design | Canadian Web Design Packages

Responsive Website Design Services Canada

Websites Designed Viewable On Various Screen Resolutions

Do You Have An Older Website That Is Not Viewable Correctly On Mobile Devices?

Responsive website design in Canada
Responsive website design in Canada

Many things have changed over the years since the Internet became mainstream back in 1996. Once very important thing that has changed is that Mobile phones tablets and Laptops are now the norm and your customers will expect that your website is viewable on all screen sizes and mobile devices. This gives your website visitors confidence that you are a real business they can trust. Of course, giving your customers a website design where they can actually read the content about your products and services is also very important.

The usage of mobile devices has now far surpassed the number of desktop computers. So much so, Google Search engine now has a policy of "Mobile First" for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and visibility in their search indexes. It is now VITAL that your business website is built responsively for viewing by mobile devices. Not having a responsive website is now an enormous detriment to your business visibility online.

For this reason, we build websites on the world standard WordPress Content Management System and every website we build is built responsive to various screen sizes and mobile devices. Responsive website design services in Canada is a focal point for all website we create or redesign.

If you have an older standard HTML website already, Canada Web Pro can transform your current website and content into an up-to-0date and compliant professional website that is built responsive as well.

Reduced Duplicate Website Content And
Improved Website Page Load Speed

Website page load speed is now an important aspect of Search Engine Optimization. Search engines also frown upon websites that have duplicate website content on different web pages. Such websites will be ranked much much lower in search results.  Having your website built responsive is an important step to helping in this goal as multiple separate website pages are not required as if you have one website for laptop and another for mobile phones. With our responsive website design services in Canada, there is only one website version and it will look great and very readable on various devices.

Social Media Shares

Social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter for example, are enormously used by web users. Having a Responsive website also includes what is needed so that if someone shares your web page(s) and shares one, the profile of the page will look appropriate on the social media posts. And this makes no difference if shared on a laptop or a mobile device because these social media platform assume a URL share will result in s mobile version of your website with everything needed for a good looking post, including an image.

Good Current Website Practices Are Expected By Your Customers

Today's internet users are a very tech savvy group of people. Virtually every person now has a mobile device or table. They see what your competitors have with a professionally designed website that is responsively designed. It is imperative that you meet the needs and expectations of your customers. And with CanadaWebPro, we can help you reach this goal for a very affordable and well worth investment for your business online business location.





Why Choose CWP For Your Business Website?

  • 28 Years Website Design and Web Hosting Experience.
  • Backed By High Performance Web Hosting Network.
  • I have built websites for SOHO, small to medium sized businesses, Corporate.
  • Exceptional Design. Clear and clean visual web design.
  • Responsively Designed for viewing on various screen sizes (TV, Desktop, Tablet, Mobile Phones).
  • SEO Optimized. Setup with Google and Bing.
  • Built On The World Standard WordPress Content Management Platform.
  • Solid Communications. I love small business and communicating with clients by phone/text/email.
  • Real Personal Service. No Call Centres.